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  • (A) Infrastructure, Building and Workshop

    Sr. No. Ownership Documents/Lease agreement for rented building In Square Metres Link to document/image
    1     Total Area2 Acer Download Details
    2     Covered Area1 Acer
    3     Total Class Rooms Area 96.76 sq. meter
    4    Total Workshops Area 470.84 sq.meter
    5    Drawing Hall 51.66 sq. meter
    6    Audio Visual HallNil
    7    Computer Lab93.02 sq. meter
    8    Play Area1 Acer
    9    Library51.66 sq. meter
    10     Remarks
    11     Other Download Links:-
    (a) Ground Floor Download
    (b) First Floor Download
    (c) Second Floor Download

    (B) Infrastructure AND Building Images

    image 1 image 2 image 3 image 4 image 5 image 6

    (C) Trade Specific Infrastructure, Building and Workshop

    Sr. No. TradeUnit Class Room Area per UnitTotal class room area for TradeWorkshop Area per unit Total Workshop area for TradeRemarks (Photograph etc. in link)
    1     COPA2 29.82 sq. meter29.82 sq. meter 93.02 sq.meter 93.02 sq.meter Download Details
    2     Electrical2 28.58 sq. meter 28.58 sq. meter 159.18sq. meter 159.18sq. meter Download Details
    3     Fitter2 30.16 sq. meter30.16 sq. meter 109.78 sq. meter109.78 sq. meter